How then can a workplace motivate staff to report errors?
- Adopt a no-blame approach to incidents. This is critically important, and has to come from the very top of the organisation. Staff may well be nervous when implementing a no-blame approach and find it hard to trust that it is real. Leaders and managers must realise that one badly handled incident will set the process back by months or years. Don't blame your staff for errors, and don't knowingly allow any outsiders to blame them either.
- Give credit. Acknowledge the courage of staff who report incidents especially ones which would otherwise be unknown.
- Highlight the positive gains that arise from incident reporting as they relate to workplace goals. Safety and quality is the key, not paperwork. Celebrating the introduction of a new checklist is not a positive gain in workers eyes if it does not relate to observable benefits in safety or quality. That's not to say that such things are un-needed. Just don't highlight them as key achievements.
- Apply consequences to line managers and senior managers who breach the no-blame approach, and do so transparently. If workers don't trust management, the problem won't get fixed 'behind closed doors'.
- Make incident reports a Key Performance Indicator for the organisation in the domains of worker engagement and safety and quality. If the rate of incident reports is well below industry norms, critically appraise how they are managed and whether or why there is significant under-reporting.
- Educate all staff from the most senior manager to the student on work experience about the crucial role of incident reporting in securing improvements in safety and quality.
- Include incident reporting history in performance appraisals and staff development agreements, by linking a strong track record of incident reporting to a commitment to a culture of safety and quality.
None of this is easy, but it is all readily achievable if the organisation takes it seriously.